How the CandyBar team helped MOVE Academy 5x their monthly signups

We focused on improving their internal processes, their website, marketing, and more.

Bytes of Candy


It was the sum of a lot of little efforts — supporting efforts from the CandyBar team — and very importantly, also lots of work from the coaches and students.

1. Weekly reviews — improving the way MOVE gets things done

We introduced a variant of the systems we use at CandyBar — a weekly sprint process, tracked on Trello. Now, MOVE’s weekly efforts are well-synced across coaches, students and CandyBar.

The Trello board that MOVE now uses to track its activities

2. User research — figuring out potential students’ core motivations

We did a bunch of interviews with students to understand their Jobs-To-Be-Done, their motivations.

We managed to discover 3 main personas, and helped us better understand which persona we should be aiming for.

3. Marketing funnel tracking — making sure we were measuring MOVE’s success

  • We set up some marketing funnel tracking to help us understand the conversion rates from leads, trial sign-ups to paid sign-ups.
Move Academy’s website, after the update

4. Website update — Making the site as compelling as possible to new visitors

  • We rewrote everything to be more targeted at our ideal persona, made things easier to understand and more visual.
  • Introduced a more complete trial sign-up process on website, so that newcomers can just show up in class to start their class, instead of having to fill up a paper form (like they did in the past).
  • One of the students also helped me out with the technical side of things when building the new website.

5. Marketing & SEO — making sure people heard about us and found us

  • We optimized the search performance of the website. We went over what keywords we should focus on, the plugins we should install, things we should do to improve our ranking.

Now, MOVE Academy appears on the first page for a lot of the keywords we are targeting.

Stay tuned for a more comprehensive post about the MOVE Academy story!

