Becoming A Product Designer Killed The Perfectionist In Me

How MVPs help me zoom out and focus on the big picture

Rachel L.
Bytes of Candy


Perfectionists, unite!

For most of my life, I’ve been a perfectionist. And in a way, perfectionism makes sense in the graphic design world I was formerly immersed in. But after becoming a product designer, I realised that there’s no place for perfectionism in our work flow. Iterative design is our lifeblood, and it means that we make successive versions of our product, all the while tailoring it to new insights.

This iterative approach is much more forgiving than the classic idea of creating and debuting a masterpiece after secretly toiling away on it. Since there’s no final product, there’s always a chance to correct and learn. And it all begins with an MVP or Minimum Viable Product, not “Most Valuable Player” or “Madam Vice President.”

Deliver MVPs, not masterpieces

Think like a lazy designer

I’m defining MVPs as unfussy products which can be used to validate a hypothesis. Simply put, they are bare-boned products that get the job done. And if you’re a maximizer like me, “minimum” sounds a lot like “subpar.” And why would I want to launch a so-so and subpar product?!

It took me some time to understand the value of MVPs. They make sense in the SaaS ecosystem because they prevent you from squandering time on low-value changes. Instead, you’re forced to focus on the most crucial and beneficial parts. Let’s say you’re tasked with designing an MVP for a money transfer app. Spend time on the main flow of transferring and receiving money, not on whether to have rounded or straight-edged buttons.

As our head of design told me, ‘think like a lazy designer’. Find the most efficient way to accomplish a task. Ask yourself what must be built in order for your product to deliver value. Then get it into the hands of your customers as soon as possible. Another way of phrasing this is the Pareto Principle, or “what’s the 20% you need to do in order to get 80% of the returns?”

Must haves > nice to haves

“Good enough” really is good enough

“Can we do something good enough that solves the problem, so that the customer can start using the product?” A fellow designer asked me this when we were struggling to launch a feature in a short timeline.

When you hoard a design because you want to protect your ego from criticism, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to get feedback. As empathetic as you may be, nothing beats getting your product into the hands of your customers. They’re the ones who can quite literally show you what works well and what could be improved.

We’ve found that time-boxed MVPs and “good enough” smaller feature releases are better because you can get feedback faster. Also, if you fail, it’s better to fail faster rather than fail spectacularly. So keep moving and keep iterating, and let “good enough is good enough” become your mantra.

Release faster → Learn faster

Low-value changes aren’t worth blocking a project

I like pushing pixels because it makes me feel like I’m getting a design just right. Because of this, I need reminders that pixel perfection is often not the goal for the projects I work on. There’s a time and place for beautiful UI designs (hello Dribbble!) but pixel perfection shouldn’t block your MVP from launching.

When I’m itching to upend a project so that I can make tiny, superficial changes, I think of Zoom. Their UI isn’t ultra aesthetic but when working from home and video conferences became the norm, customers flocked to them because their valuable product got the job done.

Sometimes you should prioritize function over form, and sometimes you shouldn’t. It really depends on context and what you’re looking to accomplish. But if you’re like me, remember that most people don’t have time to scrutinize pixels with a magnifying glass.

Break free from a pixel-pushing loop

Don’t lose sight of the big picture

When I’m stuck, taking a step back helps. Looking at things from a higher level reminds me that I just need a usable solution, not the most ingenious solution. As a result my anxiety is tamed, complicated ideas are pared down, and we’re able to provide value to our customers sooner rather than later.

Involve other people because you don’t have to fight perfectionism (or any struggle) alone. Judgement-free “sanity checks” with my team always help reassure me. And if you’re not a perfectionist but have one in your life, find out what helps them zoom out. It’ll make them feel seen and heard.

My brain before and after a sanity check

Former perfectionists, onwards!

When I pivoted to UX design, I knew I was leaving familiar territory, but I didn’t expect to confront my fierce inner critic. I’m glad though, not just cause I’ve become a better designer but because I’m also more content. Moving the right project forward yields far greater returns, so pursue for progress instead of perfection. Former perfectionists, onwards!


  • Deliver MVPs (Minimum VIable Products), not masterpieces
  • Think like a lazy designer
  • “Good enough” really is good enough
  • Low-value changes aren’t worth blocking a project
  • Don’t lose sight of the big picture

Many thanks to Darren

